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Writer's pictureD.D. Forrest

Open to Opportunity

If 2020 taught me anything, it was to be nimble and ready for anything that came my way.

From March 16th when the Bay Area went into "shelter-in-place" for the first time, right up until the final minutes of the year, the surprises and challenges never stopped. (who knew SIP would be new vocab!) And yes, many of those twists and turns were very challenging -and continue to be- but they all had one common thread: OPPORTUNITY

I've learned that even the most seemingly dire of moments, when seen through the right lens, are just sparks of opportunity.

Most of the events of 2020 were so overwhelmingly intense that there were times I felt like I was being swept by a riptide. Every time I play in the ocean, I am immediately reminded of how small and ineffectual I am compared to the power of the sea. I swear, much of this year felt just like that: like there was nothing I could do but just go with flow. As wave after wave crashed over me this year, there were times that I tried to fight against it- to inflict my will on that powerful force of nature.

But when I slowed down to find the possibilities in the new direction those waves were pushing me, suddenly I was surfing!

Okay, enough of the water analogy, but this year I was able to finally embrace a new way of living:

to with the flow and just stay open to the new possibilities coming.

I've found ways to apply this to all aspects of my life!

  • In business: Shutting down my studio allowed me to pivot to online sessions and exponentially grow my health coaching in a time when so many really need guidance.

  • As a mother: The brutality on the news forced me to lean into the life lessons and hard conversations that I may never had initiated otherwise.

  • As a wife: The unexpected onslaught of bike business pulled my husband into non-stop work-mode and pushed me to work harder to maintain our home and family.

  • As a friend: Each and every one of my friends has gone though serious challenges this year, and reaching out to one-another (even through a screen) was a joy and an anchor.

  • In my own health: Losing the social element of my workouts at SoulCycle and Barry's allowed me to be a little more gentle with myself and adapt to new workouts on-demand at home.

2021 certainly will not be all roses and sunshine, and I know that just because the calendar changes doesn't mean that it all goes back to "normal."

What I do know is that the lessons of 2020 will serve me well for the rest of my life. I used to call myself "a creature of habit." But now, I just like to "be nimble."

What have you learned in 2020?

What opportunities unfolded for you that you didn't anticipate?

I'd love to hear your story!

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